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Streamline. Create. Build.

StartUp STEM provides professional development in STEM instruction for elementary educators. Our mission is to:

  • Streamline instructional time

  • Create an ELA focused, interdisciplinary approach to STEM

  • Build STEM community

StartUp STEM professional development:

STREAMLINES instructional time with aligned standards 

CREATES an interdisciplinary approach to STEM

BUILDS STEM community customized to the school

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Meet the Changing World.

As schools, students, and community expectations are quickly evolving, StartUp STEM brings innovative solutions to teaching teams in order to integrate new tools into existing systems. STEM is the call to prepare our students for a changing world. Life is interdisciplinary. Schools can be too! Let us help spark teacher passion, support student innovation and empower communities.  


What We Offer

Professional Development from the Start, and Follow-Up Support when you need it!

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Professional Development

Professional STEM learning for K-8 teachers.  Emphasis on integrating STEM with existing reading curricula.  STEM lessons modeled in engaging interactions with teachers.

Students and Teacher in Classroom


 Sustainable actions to create robust STEM learning and long-lasting solutions.  Teacher kits with lesson plans and materials aligned to Arizona's science standards to ensure a successful start.

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Strategies for implementation that support teachers, students, and families.



Building a STEM environment with STEM labs, career connections and STEM experiences such as clubs and field trips.

Built for Teachers, by Teachers

With Student Success and Teacher Support in mind,  StartUp STEM works toward creating self-sustaining and long lasting innovation in schools that puts our future first.

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What Our Teachers Say

"The presenters became the classroom teacher and asked us to “BE their 5th grade students” as they modeled a STEM lesson. The level of engagement was high and we could see how they guided our discussions without rescuing us."

"The lesson plans were well organized, engaging and aligned to Arizona standards!"
"Presenters were knowledgeable and engaging!"
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“We learned a variety of ways to have students collaborate.”
"Time to work as a team allowed me to get ideas for future lessons."

Get a Personalized and Competitively Priced Package Created for You and Your School/District!

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